I'm Caleb and I'm from the UK. I live in Seattle and work as a Senior Designer for Microsoft

Caleb's hand

Born in '93, I grew up in Hampshire. In 2016 I graduated with a degree in Product design at Brunel University, London.

I love learning, and owning as much process as I can - from user research to pixel pushing, and even a little bit of front end development. Right now, I'm working on Outlook - one of the biggest mail clients in the world. My day to day involves a lot of things, from initial research and strategy all the way through to final UI proposals and UI Kit development & maintenance.

I've been in the industry for 5 years, and possess a diverse skillset spanning both digital and physical. I like to work on meaningful products and live for a good design system.

Outside of work you can find me cycling, playing pick up basketball, or tinkering with a new hobby (3d printing is the latest one).


Joined the Outlook Mac and Mobile team

Serif e-reader concept


Promoted to Senior Designer

Learnt Protopie

Started 3D printing

Viewfinder Camera Project

Micasa Project


Learnt Protopie

Design Icons Project

Mouse Redesign Project

Learned Gatsby


Promoted to Designer 2

Moved to Seattle to work at Microsoft HQ


Learned the basics of React for web


Moved to Vancouver to work remotely as part of the Outlook Web Team

Graduated from Brunel University with a Bachelor of Science in Product Design


Interned at Microsoft

Study exchange at TU Delft in the Netherlands

Learned basics of web design and development

Launched my first web Portfolio


Enrolled at Brunel University Studying Product Design


Started at Peter Symonds College


First experience with UI design - customizing UBUNTU on my acer aspire one.


Did my first sketch of a consumer product - a PDA (anyone remember palm?)

Started sketching mobile phones


Started at Cantell Secondary School


Started at Mansbridge Primary School


Born in home town of Southampton, Hampshire.